Animal Tracking- Beyond the Footprint
Think you know the difference between a squirrel and a mink? Wondering why we care if deer use this meadow? Learn to look beyong the footprint to see the Tale in the Trail.
Unlock the hidden stories left behind by wildlife as we trek through a
variety of amazing habitats! Refresh the fundamentals of animal tracking before departing on a hike to discover the drama of animal’s lives left behind in their trails. Explore how the signs left behind, combined with natural history knowledge will tell you a wealth of information about ecosystem use and health and offers the opportunity to view wildlife interactions, even after they have left.
Where: Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre
When: Saturday, February 25th, 2023 from 12:00pm-3:00pm
How much: $25.00 Price includes admission to our interpretive centre and trails for day following the workshop.
Who: adults and enthusiasts 9+.
Pre-Registration required using Eventbrite!
Please register using the link which will take you to Eventbrite to complete your purchase. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact 705-526-7809 or
Mak Soden is the Lead Interpreter at the Wye Marsh. He has gained his knowledge and skill of animal tracking over many years of studying what animals have left behind in the forests of Ontario, in all of its seasons.
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