Wye Marsh Nature Centre sits on the edge of the Wye Valley, part of the Wye River Watershed that flows into Georgian Bay.
Wye Marsh will continue to conduct/support research on habitats and their related species in the Wye Valley including Species at Risk (SAR), Invasive Species, areas of natural succession, and any other significant species/habitat within the Wye Valley. The information collected will be recorded and will be reported for provincial and national use.
Research Objectives:
- Re-evaluate, re-establish and/or continue long-term research projects conducted at the Wye Marsh.
- Secure funding and solicit volunteers in order to continue monitoring projects and other yearly studies/programs.
- Partner with educational institutions on research projects to provide opportunities for students to conduct research relevant to their field of study at the post secondary level.
- Encourage interested parties (such as post graduate students) to present potential research projects that could benefit the Wye Valley.
- Secure long term funding to ensure sustainable stewardship practices and management of the Wye Valley.
- Keep accurate records and reports of all research/stewardship initiatives.
Previous Research
- The Origin of Wye Marsh - Roger Chittenden , 1990
- Wye Marsh: An Historical Perspective, Review of Habitat Management and Recommendations for Future Action - Ducks Unlimited, 1995
- Wye Marsh Trumpeter Swan Population: A Database Analysis - Nick Bartok, 2003