Take action for the Environment


Join Friends of Wye Marsh for a wonderful action-packed Earth Day celebration. Free workshops and family-friendly activities. Admission is FREE!   

Where: Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre

When:  Saturday, April 19, 2025 

How much: Admission is FREE. Donations Appreciated!


9-10:30 am - Wye River Clean Up.... Meet at Sainte-Marie Park
9-11 am - Glossy Buckthorn Removal… Meet at the back door
11 am-12 noon - Rubber Boot Hike... Meet at the back door. Explore our National Wildlife Area with us.
1– 1:30 pm - Wet’N Scaly… Display Hall
1:30 – 2 pm  - Turtle Tally... Classroom. Join this Citizen Science project at Wye Marsh
2 – 3 pm  - Build a Turtle Nest Protector for Wye Marsh… Meet in the Classroom
9 am – 3 pm - Visit our Special Guests in the Display Hall!  

The Xerces Society For Invertebrate Conservation is an international non-profit organization dedicating to protecting the natural world through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitats. As a science-based organizaiton, they conduct their own research to guide their conservation work, which focuses on Pollinator Conservation, Endangered Species Conservation, and reducing pesticide use and impacts. 

The Severn Sound Environmental Association (SSEA) is dedicated to sustaining the environmental qualityof Severn Sound and its tributaries by supporting local municipalities and stakeholders and to complete cost effective environmental projects that have impact. The organization is also one of our local Source Protection Authorities 


Looking for more resources to help stop invasive species? 

Invasive species, both plant and wildlife can be devistaing to the native ecosystems. Invasive speices are species that are introduced to an ecosystem either intentionally or unintentionally; they do not naturally appear in the ecosystem. Invasive speices compete for resources and cause damage to existing populations. To learn more, and for ways to help, click the links below:  

Can't make it to the celebration? Try these activities to celebrate from home!

Thank You to our Supporters