Global Big Day

Calling all Birders and Citizen Scientists!

Join us at Wye Marsh ~ Saturday, May 10, 2025


Last year, 62,390 people around the world took part in “Global Big Day” ~ and recorded seeing 7,746 different species of birds in 253 countries. That’s amazing!

How many species do you think we will see at Wye Marsh?

How about 50, 75 or ONE HUNDRED?

Are you ready to take on the challenge?

We have adventures planned for all levels of experience!


Advanced Birders

Experienced Birders familiar with Wye Marsh trails are invited to join us for our annual Global Big Day Bird Survey. Registration preferred. Walk-ins welcome on May 11th by signing in at Front Desk, in the Visitors Centre, after 9 am. Participants are provided with a bird checklist, map, and zone assignment. 

Spend the morning, afternoon, or whole day listing every species you see at Wye Marsh. 

Turn in your check list by 5 pm the next day (May 12) to receive a limited edition Global Big Day Bird Count Button. Add your sightings to our Wye Marsh account on eBird .

  • Pre-Register by May 8th to greet the dawn chorus in Zones 1-8. 
  • Walk-ins welcome from 9 am - 2 pm for Zones 9 & 10.

Email or phone 705-526-7809.


Beginner & Intermediate Birders

FREE DRAW & Limited Edition Buttons included with price of admission! 

  • Grab a Bird Check list when you come in at Front Desk.
  • Record your sightings.
  • Check back in at Front Desk before 4:00 pm
  • Show your survey
  • Collect your Limited Edition Global Big Day Species Count Button (while supplies last.)
  • Write your name on your survey
  • Use your survey to enter our FREE DRAW for a special Wye Marsh prize! 


Also Included with Admission


10:30 am

Binocular Drill & Birding BasicsDisplay Hall




Bring your binoculars, or borrow a set, and learn how point, focus and see hidden gems.


11 am -12 noon     

Discovery Hike - Birding 101         

Join Outdoor Educators on the trails. Learn fascinating facts about Wye Marsh birds and wildlife as  you hone your binocular & field guide skills.

1 pm  

Feature Creature, Display Hall       

Get up close, ask questions, and find out about an Animal Ambassadors at Wye Marsh.


1:30 pm     

Wye Marsh Waterfowl Hike, Back Door     

Head out to the boardwalk and berm with our Wye Marsh Outdoor Educators. Learn about ducks, geese and swans living in this Provincially Significant Wetland. 


PLUS ALL DAY Bird Scavenger Hunt:          Pick up a Scavenger Hunt in the Visitors Centre, then hit the trails for some fun.  


Reduce Bird Collisions:          Stop by our crafts table from 10 am- 2 pm. Decorate some bird silhouettes to take home. Put your artwork on your windows and help reduce fatal bird collisions.


What is Global Big Day?

Global Big Day has become a May tradition for tens of thousands of eBirders: 24 hours to put your favorite park/county/state/province country/continent on the global birding stage. Global Big Day 2022 also falls on World Migratory Bid Day!

There are so many fascinating birds passing through Wye Marsh, Area of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI) that staff and volunteers will be conducting a bird count all day long.

We hope you will join us to bird, or to take part in some of these awesome activities all included with the price of admission.