Design Your Own Pollinator Friendly Garden
Welcome more butterflies and moths, beetles and bees, and other pollinators into your garden – by DESIGN.
Join Kathleen Patnode, from the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, for this insightful FREE workshop.
Bring in a sketch of your garden. Consider its soil and light conditions. Find out how easy it is to add more native species, and strategic features, to your green space to support the life-cycle needs of pollinators and other beneficial insects.
Where: Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre, 16160 Hwy 12 E, Midland
When: May 4th, 2025, from 1:30 – 4:00 pm
How much: FREE
Ages: 16+
Registration Required: Using Eventbrite
About the Instructor:
Kathleen Patnode is an Ecologist who has spent more than 30 years working on preventing and reducing pollution's effects on aquatic and terrestrial wildlife. She has designed habitat for insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and the native plants that support them on over 1,000 acres of land - from private backyards to mountain ridges!
Kathleen continues to create and improve habitat on her own properties and enjoys sharing her methods with others.
o With LESS than 3 business days notice – 50% refund
o With MORE than 3 business days notice - Ticket refunded minus the Eventbrite fee